Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Sponsored by the Canada Council for the Arts
& the
Creative Writing Concentration at Capilano College

The FALL 2007 OPEN TEXT series at Capilano College continues on October 18th, 2007 with a reading by Lissa Wolsak.

October 18th
Library 195 @ 12:30
Capilano College
2055 Purcell Way
North Vancouver

LISSA WOLSAK lives in Vancouver, British Columbia where she works as an energy/thought-field therapist and as a goldsmith. A poet and essayist, she has has authored several long poem sequences including: Pen Chants or nth or 12 spirit-like impermanences (Roof, 2000), An Heuristic Prolusion (Documents in Poetics, 2000), The Garcia Family Co-Mercy (Tsunami, 1994), A Defence of Being, and THRALL. Squeezed Light: Collected Works 1995 - 2007 is forthcoming from Station Hill Press.

from its desto, adualurescence

from its hair-space, azimuth

confessional yields

victims winched to a tortoise

spreadeaglism.. posture-sur-

faces escape into the cloth,

dress-groups inter-marry....

so throve close-woven

Come, vapour-bath, come.

-- from Pen Chants

For info:
Roger Farr
604.986.1911 (2554)
